College & Career Readiness

Ms. Caruso

College & Career Counselor

718-658-5407 - Ext. 2800
College and Career Center
Room 280F
Ext. 2808

College Readiness Resources

  • Students don’t send letters of recommendation to colleges. Your recommender will receive an email with a link to upload the letter

Register For The SAT

Prep For The SAT

Financial Aid Applications - Guides & Links


Jose Peralta Dream Act - For Undocumented Students

Grants from the New York State for undocumented students
Apply here:
NYS Higher Education Services Corporation - Senator José Peralta New York State DREAM Act
This is a New York State financial aid application ONLY for seniors
who do not have citizenship or permanent residency in this country (undocumented students)

NYS Excelsior Scholarship

CSS Profile

Scholarship Links

Scholarships Links

Google Drive Folder Link